Dockercon 2016
Jun 01, 2016The Dockercon 2016 Event was eye-opening to me in terms of the vast amount of companies adopting this technology for production deployments. I spent most of my time at the booth talking with customers and I can’t name a big company that was not represented by devs and ops people at the event. The biggest take was that even though Atlassian did not have a big product announcement, the excitement for our company and our tools blew me away. People came from all over to tell us what they were using and how they were using it. I learned a lot from their stories and the mix of technologies they were using in conjunction with our tools. Most people were interested in what Atlassian was doing with docker and though only a few companies were using our cloud solution, everyone seemed excited about pipelines.
For me, the additional highlight was listening to Atlassian experts talk about CI/CD issues and best practices with clients. Many of the clients used Bamboo and wanted to know how to better work with Docker containers.
Lastly here are some of the notable announcements from Docker at Dockercon:
Docker 1.12: Now with Built-in Orchestration!
Three years ago, Docker made an esoteric Linux kernel technology called containerization simple and accessible to everyone. Today, we are doing the same for container orchestration.
Starting with Docker 1.12, we have added features to the core Docker Engine to make multi-host and multi-container orchestration easy. We’ve added new API objects, like Service and Node, that will let you use the Docker API to deploy and manage apps on a group of Docker Engines called a swarm. With Docker 1.12, the best way to orchestrate Docker is Docker!
Announcing the Docker for Mac and Windows Public Beta
Back in March, we launched a private beta for a new ambitious project called Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows. Our major goal was to bring a native Docker experience to Mac and Windows, making it easier for developers to work with Docker in their own environments. We’re happy to announce that we’re opening up the beta for Docker for Mac and Windows to everyone. And along with the beta for Docker for Mac and Windows, you get the new Docker 1.12 release candidate.
Introducing the Docker for AWS and Azure Beta
We’re excited to announce Docker for AWS and Docker for Azure: the best ways to install, configure and maintain Docker deployments on AWS and Azure.
Introducing Experimental Distributed Application Bundles
The built-in orchestration features announced today with Docker 1.12 will revolutionize how IT teams to build, ship and run containerized apps. With Docker 1.12, developers and ops now share a set of simple and powerful APIs, tools, and formats for building agile delivery pipelines that ship software from development through CI to production in the cloud with Docker for AWS and Azure.
Other Cool Stuff:
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